NEW Online Trainings
The No Wrong Door
Integrative Screener
Goal: The objective of this training is to equip healthcare staff to understand and incorporate integrative screening practices within their settings. In this training, participants learn how to screen for a variety of health risks (i.e., physical health, mental health, substance use, sexual risk behaviors, and infectious disease risk/testing) using the “No Wrong Door Integrative Screener”.
Who is the Training Audience: Any clinical, social services, or other healthcare staff.
Training Length: Approximately two (2) hours. This training course is self-paced and can be completed all at once or across multiple sittings.
Brief Description:
This online training course is designed to provide:
- A rationale for integrated care and screening
- An overview of the NWD Integrative Screenerand instructions for use in electronic or paper-and-pencil format.
- Next steps after screening, including conducting brief interventions and referrals.
- Case examples to demonstrate using the NWD Integrative Screener.
Participants will receive electronic certificate upon completion.
Once the participant has completed the online course they will be emailed materials to allow them to begin using the No Wrong Door Integrative Screener. The NWD Integrative Screener User Guides can also be found on our website here.
Aggregate Workbooks
Goal: The objective of this training is provide healthcare staff and agency administrators an overview of and how to use our Individual-Level and Agency-Level Aggregate Workbooks.
Who is the Training Audience: Any clinical, social services, or other healthcare staff and administrators.
Training Length: Approximately 30 minutes. This training course is self-paced and can be completed all at once or across multiple sittings.
Brief Description:
This online training course is designed to provide:
- An overview of the Individual-Level and Agency-Level Aggregate Workbooks.
- Step-by-Step demonstrations for how to use the Individual-Level and Agency-Level Aggregate Workbooks.
- Discussion of several important considerations for implementing the NWD Integrative Screener and data tracking within your agency.
Participants will receive electronic certificate upon completion.
Once the participant has completed the online course they will be emailed materials to allow them to begin using the Aggregate Workbooks. The User Guides can also be found on our website here.
If you are interested in taking any of our online trainings,
please send us an email at
Details for registration and enrolling in the online training will be sent to you.