About the Center
The Center for Community Collaboration (CCC) is housed within the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). The Center is a university-community collaborative, created through several memoranda of understanding with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) Prevention and Health Promotion Administration (PHPA) beginning in 2006.
The CCC collaborates with agencies identified and recruited by PHPA within a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) framework. We work with agencies to improve their services for individuals at risk or suffering from HIV/AIDS with multiple diagnoses related to substance use and/or mental illness and other infectious diseases. Using the Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT) integrated approach, we help identify programs’ CQI needs and provide relevant trainings to enhance their quality of care in these areas. For additional information, resources, materials, and research in these areas, please visit the additional resources page of our website.
The CCC is currently staffed by the Director, Carlo DiClemente, Ph.D.; Project Director, Reshma Roy, MPH; and Graduate Research Assistants.
Our Staff
Carlo C. DiClemente, Ph.D.
Center Director

W. Henry Gregory, Jr., Ph.D.
Henry Gregory is a mental health professional with over thirty-five years of experience. He holds a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and master degrees in both community mental health and psychology. He has expertise and extensive experience as a clinician, supervisor, director, trainer, consultant and researcher in a number of service areas including HIV/AIDS, child welfare, substance abuse, juvenile justice, criminal justice, school-based mental health, and behavioral health.
Dr. Gregory’s primary clinical orientation is family systems. He has specialized in the development of treatment models that are applicable to diverse service populations and the clinicians who deliver services to them. Along with several colleagues, he has participated in the modification the original structural family therapy model and developed “Enriched Structural Family Therapy” to directly address the clinical needs of minority families whose issues and processes frequently fall outside of mainstream norms. At Progressive Life Center of Washington, DC he led the development of “NTU Psychotherapy” a culturally competent system of care that is spiritually based.
Email: hankgreg49@gmail.com