The No Wrong Door Integrative Screener


The No Wrong Door Integrative Screener is a comprehensive screener that focuses on indicators of physical health, mental health, substance use, sexual behaviors, and infectious disease risk. The purpose of the Screener is to identify risk and affectedness across multiple health domains to affect appropriate referrals and access to health care services.


The screener was developed by Center for Community Collaboration (CCC) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) as part of the No Wrong Door (NWD) Project supported by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, Infectious Disease Bureau (IDB) through a Minority AIDS Initiative grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA Grant No: SM-11-006).


  • Draws on validated, trusted, highly utilized instruments and resources across multiple health domains.
  • Is an efficient and effective means to collect and share information.

What clients are saying about the Screener:

“All questions were necessary and important to include in the screener.”

“The tool wasn’t as hard as some other questions that I’ve been asked. I could understand it.”

“Helps [clients] begin thinking about topics and concerns.”

“Would feel comfortable completing the screen as an interview or self-report.”

What providers are saying about the Screener:

“Overall it was a good screener and gathered a lot of information.”

“Questions were good, straight to the point, and showed that the provider cares about the client.”

“It would be likely that the provider has background information on the client and can easily facilitate a conversation and obtain key information through the use of the screen.”